Medical Malpractice - Anaphylactic Reaction – Transforaminal Epidural Steroid Injection – Voluntary Dismissal

Dennis Vandenberg and the Peterson Bernard medical malpractice team successfully defended an anesthesiologist in a medical malpractice case in Palm Beach County, Florida wherein the Plaintiff chose to voluntarily dismiss his case on the evening of trial and after 2 years of litigation.   The case involved allegations that the anesthesiologist administered and/or allowed the patient to be given a medication that she was allergic to during a transforaminal epidural steroid injection.  The patient died from a severe anaphylactic reaction shortly after the epidural injection.  The defense established that there was no plausible evidence that the anesthesiologist gave the medication that triggered the anaphylactic reaction.

Dennis Vandenberg

West Palm Beach, Florida
Phone:  561.686.5005 extension 1322