Insurance Coverage and Bad Faith
Our attorneys represent major insurance carriers, third party administrators, self-insured corporations, municipalities and other related entities in coverage disputes and litigation. Our long standing relationships with many of the nation’s premier insurance companies provide an extensive background in handling a wide variety of coverage claims involving automobile and general liability policies, medical liability, legal liability, errors and omissions and bad faith. Our attorneys also provide opinions on Florida Coverage Law to insurers prior to the inception of litigation.
In this area of practice lawsuits and claims often include allegations of failure to settle, untimely or inadequate offers of settlement, unfair claims practices, misrepresentation with respect to coverage during application and/or claim processes, and the provision of inadequate or inappropriate defense.
The Firm is often consulted while an underlying claim is pending and before a formal bad faith claim is presented. A significant portion of the Firm’s work in this area involves monitoring the claim handling during the underlying claim and providing guidance as necessary so as to avoid a bad faith claim.
Our attorneys are called upon to assess bad faith exposure in advance of the formal prosecution of the claim and to represent the insurance company carriers and third party administrators at mediation or other alternative dispute proceedings.
Key Florida Statutes relied upon in Insurance Coverage and Bad Faith
Attorneys' Fees | 627.428 |
Contractor Coverage | 627.441 |
Declaratory Actions | Chapter 86 |
Disclosure of Insurance Information | 627.4137 |
Fair Claims Practice Act | 626.9541 |
Florida Insurance Guaranty Association | 631.5 |
Medical Malpractice Safe Harbor-Bad Faith | 766.1185 |
Notice of Cancellation | 627.4133 |
Reason for Denial, Cancellation or Non-Renewal | 627.4091 |
Representations and Applications | 627.409 |
Reservation of Rights | 627.426 |